WolfspyreLabs HugoSite Skeleton / Snippits & Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Exemplars / WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes / Propertylist / Propertylist 🐺 propertylist format a datafile all fancy-like. The property list shortcode creates a custom HTML description list that can be used to display properties or variables and general dependent information. The shortcode requires a data file in data/properties/, e.g. data/properties/demo.yaml, where the filename must be passed to the name attribute of the property list shortcode. {{< propertylist name=propertylist-shortcode-demo order=asc showAnchor=true >}} The supported attributes can be taken from the following example: --- properties: - name: prop1 type: string description: Dummy description of the prop1 string property. required: true - name: prop2 type: int defaultValue: 10 description: en: Another description for the integer property called prop2. required: false tags: en: - tag1 - tag2 - name: prop3 type: bool defaultValue: false description: | A `bool` property with a complex multiline description and embedded Markdown: - List item 1 - List item 2 More description how to use this property. required: false - name: a-prop type: string description: Property to demonstrate sorting. required: true a-proprequiredstring Property to demonstrate sorting. Default: none prop1requiredstring Dummy description of the prop1 string property. Default: none prop2optionalinttag1tag2 Another description for the integer property called prop2. Default: 10 prop3optionalbool A bool property with a complex multiline description and embedded Markdown: List item 1 List item 2 More description how to use this property. Default: false